Thursday 21st August I watch and wait

Tired but still getting to lessons and feel a sense of self achievement. This (Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing) is what I have wanted to do for all my life but there was never the ‘right time’. I tell myself to keep going despite the body and mind aching and objecting. After all it has done a lot of sitting over the last ten years. Bypass, titanium neck and plastic knees just some of its obstacles. So I miss the train by seconds but wobbly knees and hips don’t allow running or even moving fast; so I sit, watch and wait.
Usually there is a local tennis game across the line, or a young mother pushing a pram, or a jogger out early. The world and its cross section of community can pass by your eyes in just fifteen minutes.
Today I watch the beautiful magpie, its coat clean and bright. He knows spring is near upon us. His eyes sparkle, even from where I am watching. He leaves the telephone cabling and swoops to the grass on the other side of the track and proceeds to pick at whatever he could see. Dinner for him or his family. It doesn’t matter – just watching his clean lines and flight is a pleasure to feel and see.
A great day to be alive.

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